
The Handel Opera Project relies on your support to bring Baroque gems to diverse audiences in an intimate setting. All donations are tax-deductible. 

To make a donation, mail a check addressed to The Handel Opera Project at: 

The Handel Opera Project

2601 Durant Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94704

We cherish your support and count on your donations: thank you for your generosity!

" Until now, The Handel Opera Project has largely devoted itself to small- scale chamber operas such as Handel’s Rodelinda and Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas. However, it is heartening that company director William G. Ludtke has now tackled something as musically and dramatically challenging as Cherubini’s Médée. Given their success in this endeavor, let us hope that Maestro Ludtke and his excellent group might consider restaging Cherubini’s Médée in the near future in a larger theatre more welcoming to Cherubini’s adventuresome musical and theatrical expressivity. They have already brought a rare gift to the Bay Area music scene by performing this long-absent opera; and their gift deserves to be seen and heard by a larger Bay Area audience in a venue more conducive to bringing out this opera’s very considerable merits."

James Roy MacBean, The Berkeley Daily Planet