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Our Mission

The mission of The Handel Opera Project is to present the works of G.F. Handel and his contemporaries, thoughtfully edited to bring these works to a wider audience for greater accessibility. The Handel Opera Project aims to encourage greater interest in early opera and opera of the Baroque period. 

The Handel Opera Project performs at the historic Maybeck church at 2619 Dwight Way in Berkeley, California.          

 The Berkeley Daily Planet praised The Handel Opera Project's performance of Médée by writing that "the fire-breathing title role was splendidly sung by Eliza O’Malley... To her immense credit, Eliza O’Malley gave a very fine performance, both musically and dramatically, of this enormously difficult role. In the Berkeley cast, Ms. O’Malley was joined by a fine tenor, Brian Thorsett, who sang the role of Jason; soprano Sara Hagenbuch, who sang the role of Jason’s new fiancée, Dircé; baritone Martin Bell, who brought a calm strength to Créon, Dircé’s father and king of Corinth; and contralto Kathleen Moss, who was excellent as Néris, the worried confidante of Médée’s schemes for revenge. Stage director Kimberly James made good use of the limited space available to her..." 

The generosity of your donations enables us to produce our operas, oratorios, and concerts.